ATLANTIS Project Showcased at the RISE-SD Conference

On October 16th, we had the pleasure of presenting the innovative work of the ATLANTIS project at the RISE-SD conference in Chalkidiki, Greece. The presentation, conducted by CERTH, highlighted how ATLANTIS leverages cutting-edge AI to protect critical infrastructure across Europe, focusing on risk reduction, real-time threat detection, and fostering collaboration across sectors. Key Highlights Included: […]

Training at Universidad Pública de Navarra, 21 May

On the 21st of May, as part of the ATLANTIS project, Vicomtech conducted training at Universidad Pública de Navarra, and there were 18 students in the class. They were students from computer science, and the workshop was part of the legislation class.

Improving resilience in the Financial Sector

The mission of ATLANTIS, which involves 39 European partners with complementary roles and skills, is to improve the resilience and the protection capabilities of interconnected ECI exposed to evolving systemic risks due to existing and emerging large-scale, combined, cyber-physical threats and hazards, guarantee the continuity of operations, while minimizing cascading effects in the infrastructure itself, the environment, other CIs, and the involved population, enabling public and private actors to meet current and emerging challenges by adopting sustainable security solutions.

Recent devastating floods and landslides in northern Slovenia

Between August 4 – 8, 2023, northern and some central parts of Slovenia experienced extreme rainfall of up to 150 – 200 mm in 6 to 12 hours. That led to extreme water stream levels and flow rates, flooding over large areas, landslides from soaked soil, and rivers devasted infrastructure (bridges, river banks, buildings).

ATLANTIS Newsletter #1

Our First Newsletter is Out!
Read it :


Our latest leaflet is presented, providing valuable insights into the ATLANTIS project.

ATLANTIS Project Kickoff Meeting

ATLANTIS project is already 1,5 months old and we are having serious progress!
The project’s Kick-off meeting took place in Rome, Italy, and colleagues from all 38 partners were there to discuss and agree on time plans and task forces!